i never ever put up pics
cos i think its like the most time consuming process
and i was right
but i brought my external hard drive in
mainly to clear it all up
and to pass kunt.um many episodes of tv that ive owed her
who loves your skinny ass huh? who does?
and i came across all these photos
that i probably havent even seen since last year
lo & behold a few pics
of the last 2 years
of melbourne
of spain
both places which my heart misses dearly
both places containing people i miss so much
because sometimes they are all you really need
my 21st / 2005 / little collins street
my farewell / 2006 / lexington
i actually had to refer to an old post for the name of this place ;P
2006 / on a beach before i left
and then i was off to spain
my 22nd / 2006 /pacha, barcelona
the churros that were consumed after a late night / 2006 / madrid
germany, brazil, switzerland & malaysia united outside the xampaneria through 1 euro bottles of cava / 2006 / barcelona
yes, im not very productive today okay
yes, im just blogging
and no, dont expect every post to have photos
of course i miss them heaps too
will someone please offer to buy me a one way ticket out of here?
destination : barcelona with a stop-over in melbourne
yeah OKAY....i KNOW that melbies isnt on the way, but hey...a girl can always wish