Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i go i go

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing along beside you
And it looked like everyone was havin' fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long
- digital love, daft punk

im going im going im going
oh thank the lords
im going :D

i'll see you kids in 5 days


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

too funny

so eryn and i were at maccas drive thru yesterday
evidently quite rather happy
so here's the situ:

mcdonalds dude: aloooo
eryn: hi
eryn: um can we get value meal 7&8
mcdonalds dude: okieee....mcchikkennn dannnnn quarter poundah?
eryn: um yes
L: erynn...get milkshake, get milkshake..erynnn
eryn: oh yeah, change the coke to milkshake
mcdonalds dude: okieee..milkshake dua....chokolate atau banilla?
eryn: vanilla
mcdonalds dude: okies, terima kasihhhh!
eryn: thanks
mcdonalds dude: okiee..NITEY NITEY!
eryn: huh?
mcdonalds dude: NITEY NITEY!!!
*eryn and L proceed to piss our pants laughing*

5 seconds later, pulling up to the payment counter, totally maintain

mcdonalds dude: alooo....RM19.90 cik

its just situations like this where you had to be there
good times
good fucking times


Monday, April 28, 2008

its been 7 years

i know i go through this about 3 times a year
and usually, before my birthday
but its been 7 years since i graduated MLC
7. fucking. years
7 years since:

- i had to share a bedroom
- i had to share a bathroom with 12 different girls
- i had to stop smoking out of the window, apparently we clogged the drainage
- i realised that taiwanese ppl and i do not get along
- that i could sorta interact if i needed to
- that i wasnt that flash in maths or economics
- that girls were my best friends and worst enemies all at the same time
- that we thought that life would be so much better if we didnt have to stay in a boarding house
- that i decided not to sit for my 5th paper in politics and draw smiley faces instead
- i gave rosebud absolute hell
- since i graduated school
- that we had amazing dreams of the man who we were going to be with, the jobs we were going to rule and the money we were going to make

and now, 7 years later...
we've made it past university and attained that sacred degree
we all have jobs that pay nothing
we all are trying to figure it all out
we're all thinking WHAT NOW?!

now that i think back, im still as confused as i was 7 years ago
with probably more things to think about
and worst of all, more things to be responsible for
oh my god
i dread to think what im going to be like 7 years from here
i'll be.....31 -_-
the anti wrinkle cream, the botox and the boob job are going to be much more of a reality

*hits head repeatedly on desk, whilst mix fm plays in the background, muttering "im living the dream, im living the dream..."*


Friday, April 25, 2008

because i can

ive decided
that there is no way i cannot celebrate my 24th
i cant
there is no way
eventhough the agreement i made with myself was:
to be in a different country every year to celebrate my birthday
well im sorta doing it this year
i have to do one big bash with my friends
cos they are the shizzle and no birthday will be the same without them

so im securing ALL OF YOU on the 10th of may, saturday

place to be confirmed
time to be confirmed
theme is : take it back to the old skool


how much?

its common knowledge that people in advertising are like prostitutes
our services get sold to the highest bidder
we remove our moral compass and beliefs
and if they say sell cigarettes to young children
we say 'what a freaking great idea!'
and come up with an award winning campaign
to entice people to take up the cancer stick
prostitutes and whores we are
and we're damn proud to carry that label too
cos if anything, we dont do it half arsed

however, managed to see the new coke campaign
and its pretty damn amazing
so please check it out at
its a full campaign with 4 commercials
it reminds me of that beer campaign in australia with the tongue
i remember the ad, but not the brand


apparently ignorance is bliss
so im going into a selfish non caring state
humour me okay


Monday, April 21, 2008

he had delusions of adequacy said kerr

i wrote an uber long post of absolute misery and despair
but i cant be bothered to publish it
because it's just another damned memory of my weakness

we all know what is going on
and you especially, had the chance to rectify it
and i'm telling you that you've lost your chance
im not waiting to be happy again with you
cos you havent made me happy in awhile
you last chance has been shot to hell
at least i walk away knowing that i tried

and on a happier note
im taking my own personal isolation trip to chiang mai
maybe that will sort things out
i havent travelled on my own in awhile
maybe i'll get some perspective back

and if that doesnt fall through
i have another holiday two weeks after
that has been planned, booked and paid for by hussy
we're all going this time
anini, aunty bunty, hussy, dec9th, and the pretend malay
and we're going to dive
and sit on the beach
and hopefully get some resemblance of sabah
cos sabah rocked our socks

i stand by what i said in january:

30. What is your greatest regret?
any regret i had before i realised that regret is the most useless feeling

and i wont regret what has happened because after the storm has passed,
i'll know better
or so they tell me

he had 24 hours
and now the role fool has been changed from me to him
i dont carry that label anymore
i have my own clean slate


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

what a-holic?

im feeling really sick now
maybe because its raining and i want to be in bed
but im thinking its because ive OD-ed on horlicks
i just decided to have 3 big mugs of horlicks
i cant explain this random act of stupidity
maybe because i went to go to the tax place today
which, as scary as the thought may be, was actually a pleasant experience
they spoke english
they were efficient
there was no one there

i just feel that little bit smarter than the procrasinators who are going to wait till the 30th :D

the horlicks incident today made me remember a joke:
"if you call someone who loves alcohol, an alcoholic....then what do you call someone who loves horlicks?"

yeah, stumped you right?

x a very, very, very bored L at work

Monday, April 14, 2008


i felt like a bus ran over me when i woke up this morning
which was god's little wake up call of love
"morning L, its MONDAY, lets make you feel like shit"
however, this weekend i experienced socialising again
after 3 odd weeks of being a social recluse
work decided to hand me back my personal freedom
how goddamn sweet they are
i got my bonus though, that was nice
see this what happens - i bitch&whine&moan, threaten to quit
then they buy my soul back at a price
everyone can be bought

on top of that, ive been experiencing an array of characters that seem to be part of the 'let's fuck L up' army. yes, im that self-involved of which i believe everyone wants to fuck me over:

my kickboxing instructor. as much as i thank him for making me want to be a killing machine, he is a fucked up character. i was with the understanding that we base our relationship on honesty. i tell him how much i love my cake and he wont lie about the reps. i hate it when he says 30 and when you're done, he goes "AND 5 MORE".
no. you said 30, not 35 -_-
L has enough energy for only 30. if i knew it was 35, i would have eaten more cake

women drivers. im so sure ive given the public at least 20 good reasons to want to kill me. and im a woman driver, so i have the authority to comment.
you can only go 4 ways, make up your fucking mind

children with shoes that squeak. its those damn shoes of which every step they take is a ssssqqquuueeeeakkkkk. oh my fucking god. seriously. come on.
i cant elaborate anymore on this matter. i blame it on the parents.
they are just producing children who are going to have ADD and are going to kill their fellow peers when they realise that they are just mediocre.
they are, i swear.

i dislike everyone that decides to go to velvet, that has now put me off velvet. i'll reference this post when i feel like going there again. the only silver lining is that ravin the bartender still remembers me and still gives me free shots.

i think this is enough negativity for a monday
as monday oozes with negativity on its bloody own

however, i managed to meet up with people this weekend
we saw each other....TWICE!
for a saturday dinner at delicious
for a sunday raju's session that lasted 3 hours. after of which we exited raju's smelling like raju himself.
hussy and i then came to the conclusion that TSBsundays have to be reinstated
for the strive of a sweeter personal odour



Tuesday, April 08, 2008

L says so

i cant be bothered to write in this because ive done nothing
ive been only productive in the career section of my life
everything else seems to have grinded to a halt
lucky me
anti-social me

1. phillipines has been cancelled much to everyone's dismay. its too expensive, it takes too long to get there, we need more time, we need more money!

2. phillipines has been replaced with pai and chiang mai over the 1st till the 5th of april. its only 5 days/4 nights...but i think thats efficient enough....we did hanoi in the same time frame.

3. a dive trip this weekend seems to have been placed aside for another weekend. instead being replaced with me hunting down people and making them hang out with me :D

4. im trying to commit myself to the gym more. ive only being going on a maximum twice a week and i can feel the muskle turn to fat. fuck feeling it, i can see it. ew

5. the commitment to the gym is intensifying based on the fact that ali and i have become addicted to the flavour of the month in baskin robbins. cashew something. we went there last night and it was sold the fuck out. goddamn, im glad we're not the only ones in kl.

6. im pre-occupying myself with text twirl on facebook. goddamn my vocabulary better be extensive after this

7. L needs a holiday now. L will send in her resignation letter in August. L says so....


and hollaa to bisous ralphinder cao
awwww *tear*
