Tuesday, August 05, 2008


singfest was awesomely fantastically fabulous
i thought it was going to be another sunburst or whatever festival that was in KL
but nay
the sound system was amazing, the energy was amazing and what i loved the most? the place was on a tiered sorta hill, so you could pretty much get a good view from wherever you were
one republic were amazing performers, we danced crazy and were squashed in the mosh pit for rick astley *biggggg grinnn*, which hyped us for PCD who were pretty awesome as well and alicia keys got all souful for us, which calmed us down for an amazing 9 hour sleep after that.
there was jason mraz
of who made me go freaking nuts. he is such a good performer and he created an amazing vibe and im just going to gush about him for the rest of the year i swear. he ignited the suppresed love i had for boy bands when i was 12. i think im in love again :)
i enjoyed the music so much that the SGD12 bottles of bacardi breezers (oh how i missed them so from australia), SGD6 kebabs & the intense heat (my god, it was hot as hell, just as bad as the heat in KL now) didnt phase me at all

for some sick reason, i enjoyed the entire journey
of course i had the great company of khadeeds to endure it with me
then there was pher who hung around and layan-ed our absurd needs of needing to eat, needing to drink & not finding the urgency in "getting there on time". he has turned into a singaporean and i bet he loves it

i would upload the photos but i have a jackass of a sister who lost the cable for the camera and now i have to go find another cable
but that doesnt matter, cos im still swooning over jason mraz :D


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