Tuesday, May 20, 2008

detoxification of the heart: 2

perhentian was a good trip away
we did the things we planned to do
we dived and got a certification to do wreck diving
we smoked and were very happy and calm
we ate, probably 4 times a day
we slept and were pretty well rested
we drank and it was more happy times
we ran around in as little clothes as possible
and had our feet in water and sand all day long
we all had similar plans for going there
so there was no bitching of any sorts and we went with the flow
it was a really peaceful holiday

i left all my shitty baggage at the bottom of the ocean
no more misery, no more sorrow, and really, no more tears
i get perspective when i dive
because you realise that your shitty, on land problems are too insignificant
and life consists of a whole lot more
as long as you want to let go
so i did let go
and i realised a whole lot of things
is that even if the love is there, when you are two such different people, its not going to work
the 'click' that we both once had, its no longer there
and i was fooling myself, holding on, scraping for a little shining light
and it never came and i cried and i was dissapointed
but all that crap,
its now 60 mtrs below us on the ocean floor
and now i know better, i really know better
so hopefully you guys will never have to receive a tearful, sobbing phone call from me
well for now la

im in a good place
i really got what i needed to get from this trip


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