Thursday, May 22, 2008

take me on a trip

im currently experiencing an explosion of rashes
something my skin probably has never felt since the nappy rash days
its looking supremely attractive on my leathery brown skin
people at work are avoiding me like the plague
but i still embrace them with a big hug every morning
i'll probably be pulled aside soon for harassment

im in a daze at the moment
partially due to the holiday withdrawal sympthoms
but mainly due to the 3 drugs im juggling with now
drowsy is a very mild term in regards to the side effects
i knocked out at 11pm yesterday, completely missing MWM
which is long overdue with my last bottle of vodka screaming
its all too tempting to pop the cap open
and pour it over ice.....
i can just taste it now

tonight is indiana jones
which i am super excited about
although khadeeds told me to lower the expectations
im guessing like how i lower it with the opposite sex
le sigh
but irregardless
they are free tickets in the signature cinema
and i get to kick back in comfort with a bowl beneath my chin to catch the drool
i can just envision shia right now
*big dreamy sigh*
you never really outgrow the "crush" hormone i think


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