Wednesday, June 04, 2008

and i say GO GO GO says:

Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-skey-piz-uhm] Pronunciation Key
the avoidance of reality by absorption of the mind in entertainment or in an imaginative situation, activity, etc. says:
Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant aspects of daily stress. It can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to try to help relieve feelings of depression or general sadness.

im re-reading scar tissue
this book hits me in so many ways that a book never has
i first read it 2 years ago in madrid
and i bought it only because it was the only english book the store sold
i loved it, so i gave it away when i was done
then i came back to KL and realised that i needed it in my life
so i went to borders and bought it again
and last night, i re-read it for the 4th time
it's a beautiful book that talks about his life, the drugs, the women, the experiences, his entire life of addiction and escapism and the rehab
and it's a frank story about his ups and downs
if i were to write an autobiography, im modelling it on this book
because for some fucked up reason, this chinese girl can relate to a former drug addict who makes fantastic music on the other side of the world
on a less depressing note
the white chocolate molten cake from chilis is SICKENING
it wasnt even finished and there were two of us
and i wanted to puke, faint, puke and then die all at one go
i dont understand how anyone can digest an entire thing on their own
i get to be upset today
apparently, ive allowed myself to believe its my god given right
and no one can tell me otherwise
apparently, 8 years only meant something to me

i dont ever want to be part of a club that will have me as its member - anthony kiedis, scar tissue


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