Thursday, July 24, 2008

crawl out your window

you know its been a big night when:
  1. you've been consistently drinking for 6 hours
  2. you decide that your drinking partner is irish
  3. everything is just whirling around you
  4. you've successfully mixed wine, whisky and beer
  5. it takes you longer than 5 minutes to figure out how you ended up at this bar
  6. you make the toilet your friend
  7. your drinking partner winds down the car window to sing bob dylan at the top of his lungs at 3am
  8. "good for you, good for me!" ends every sentence
  9. you bring home the glasses from the bar
  10. he thinks its a grand idea to wait for the sun to come up and have breakfast with rose
  11. you wake up the next day and your face is still red from the alcohol
  12. you wake up the next day still drunk
  13. you still smell like alcohol after a hot shower
  14. rose knocks on the door and asks why is he on the couch hugging the pillow while bob dylan blasts from your laptop, when he could be sleeping in a bed?
  15. this post takes you 45 minutes to write

i probably havent been this wasted for over a year. i was even pretty decent on my birthday. its nearly 4pm the next day and the hangover hasnt kicked in im still trying to decipher if im still drunk.

i dont know how south america is going to pan out, knowing im going with him and 2 other guys who dont blink an eye to having a jug of beer. each. for. breakfast. i'll probably have a righteous blast, the downside? i wont remember it at all :)


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