Friday, July 18, 2008

little pink pills

i have to understand that when travelling you should not plan
and im telling myself that whilst im doing up an excel spreadsheet
of cost, time and fucking predicted weather circumstances
this is what happens when you work
you become a control freak that cannot leave anything to chance
especially in advertising
you cannot, cannot, cannot rely on any factor for the job's success
outdoor photoshoot?
find the biggest, industrial strength fan to blow away the rain clouds
crazy, non-negotiable timeline?
turn into a crying, pleading, shouting dictator that shows no mercy
product launch in 2 weeks?
make a deal with god and satan at the same time
easy fucking peasy

this week was the first week in at least 2 months where i have not been running around like a headless chicken
and trust me when i tell you that it feels super to sleep for 12 hours
and it feels even better not having to look at the clock and wonder why its 8pm already when the last time you looked, it was 9am?
and it takes the cake when you look in the mirror and dont look like death warmed up
but the glory of it all seeing the press ads and all the collaterals (that you worked your ass off for) that's sitting pretty in the branches
yeah, job satisfaction, thats what i aim for

i was going to type, remind me of this post when im bitching abut a campaign
but i forgot
i leave in 6 odd weeks :D


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