Thursday, January 31, 2008

the universe will shift into a low

i am on holiday for 3 days
of what i want to be utter peace and quiet
i dont want to have to talk to anyone
neither do i want to have to participate in anything
its my 3 days off
if i decide to crawl into bed with a bottle of vodka
and hundreds of ringgit worth of happy stuff
then maybe i will
its okay, cos i have anthony
and my misery loves his company


Monday, January 28, 2008

this is a story

from the warhol series by kim hoeltermand, behance

i am lost
i have no idea what to do with my life
it's blank and lifeless at the moment
and im working on routine
and i hate routine and i hate plans and i hate schedules
the only thing that is pulling me through is that it's temporary
im hoping this stupid feeling will pass and it will be blamed on january-itis
its gotten to me so much that i know i want to get out of advertising
yet, im going for an interview later to sell my soul for a few hundred more

hello satan...yes, nice to meet you again....yup, another 300 ringgit will appease me....of course i'll re-sign the contract for my soul...another 2 more years will be fine...what's that? it comes with a bonus today?....really?'re throwing in confusion and anger?...super! :)

damned if you do, screwed if you dont

i really need a holiday
yes, we are going away for the weekend
and we are going away the weekend after that
somehow, even the beach and an open bar doesnt seem to bring a smile to my face
maybe im hitting my quarter life crisis 2 years too early

yes, maybe thats it
oh hello denial....what?....satan sent you as a gift?.....FABULOUS :)


Monday, January 21, 2008

i bite butts

i figured im just going to give you guys an update on F Day and because i believe that it should be written somewhere where it can be immortalized forever

F Day 08's menu:
1. empress chicken pie
2. RM2 of whatever you want to eat at ikea
3. carl jnr's chilli cheese fries and for the brave, the double western star cheeseburger
4. beard papa's cream puff
5. for the brave, baskin robbins
6. ktz's mango loh
7. ramly
8. ah wah's chicken wings

it was pretty impressive
i think we all managed to outdo ourselves
i felt sick the next day, as im sure everyone else did
i thank god that we don't do this on a monthly basis

another one more thing to immortalize is the sighting of isafalela
who you ask?
drive through the penchala link toll during the night and pay cash is all we have to say
how fast we managed to get the souljah boy crank that dance down pat

im on day 7, no cigarettes so far
i crumbled on friday night at 21
i had a full cigarette and it wasn't even that great -_-
so maybe ill be able to pull through and i wont look back at this saying
"remember that time in 08 when i tried to quit"
andden i'll chuckle and have an immediate heart attack
and die

after my last post of sucking the public holidays dry,
we heard this morning that weds is another holiday for thaipusam
oh the joy :) this is the 3rd holiday of the month
it's the little things that pull us through


Friday, January 18, 2008

social advertising

wet your finger and rub
category: abuse- genital mutilation
advertiser: AMAM Spain
agency: Contrapunto Barlecona

king of shark fins
category: animal rights
advertiser: ACAP
agency: JWT Shanghai

swimming pool

category: environmental
agency: Naga DDB Malaysia

i want to be in this line of advertising

to be frank, im sick of doing ads for financial institutions
and no, i dont think ill be happier doing a telco or an FMCG
because no shit, it's all a con job for them to make more money
it's tiring sitting there listening how they can scrape more money out of people who are already working their asses off and trying to make ends meet
it's pathetic knowing that they get upset when a consumer is 'financially savvy'
it's frustrating having to execute based on their poor creative decision
it's sad because this has become their life and they're all scrambling for a bigger piece of the pie
which goes to show, when will the satisfaction finally hit?

yes, i know its a business
yes, i know if they don't do it, somebody else with just as little scruples will
yes, i know what i got myself into when i entered advertising
at least i can opt out of this line
at least im still young when i realised how unfulfilling this is
i want to do something with impact and will create a change
where people will look at the ad and feel something
rather than see the bottom line of where we are selling them something
i dont want to sell anything tangible
i just want to change behaviour
isn't that why you, you and you over there joined advertising?

how cynical we all are now


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

animal bar

from the daydream series by alex landoni, behance

an update for F Day 08:
we're cutting out the all you can eat dim sum
because we're fucking greedy thats why, as demonstrated on tuesday's jogoya stuffing session
the next thing you know, we're going to be scoffing cling wrap and on our 9th cup of ice cream
i know, it's a little dissapointing,
but we're not just stupid, but realistic too

an update on day 4:
i have had about 4-5 cigarettes since the patch started
all from friends of whom ive bullied into a drag
or half-1/4 cigarettes here and there before i actually stop myself
i think its getting better
im not craving a cigarette after a meal, which is where i thought i'd fall short
however saying that, im constantly chewing gum/sucking asam
you can never win

an update on kl:
we've sucked all public holidays for january dry
so we're eagerly awaiting feb 1st, which is a friday, which means long weekend
andden 7th and 8th (and a rumour for the 11th too) for cny
people have asked "how many days of leave do you get a year?"
i tell them "17"
they say "so little"
and i say "without the public holidays, which are on average 15 days a year"
suck on that bitches

"the cry of vacilation, the higher meditation, the sweet precipitation, the higher depravation and it wont be long, no it wont be long, no it wont be long because it can't be long " - animal bar, redhotchilipeppers


Monday, January 14, 2008

day 1

although i never did make the new years resolution to quit alcohol or my smokes
i am on the damn straight path to cutting it down significantly
this of course will only probably work out until some kinda big stress situation decides to hit me

however, i am trying

i've drank only 3 times since the new year started
and yes, that includes wine at dinner
the lee family has bought shares in nicorette so we're all on patches now
which could lead to bloodshed and death
but we're foolishly brave that way
day 1: updated at 1.44pm --- 1/2 cigarette
ive just had a huge lunch of nasi lemak and im not craving it as of yet
besides these patches are to slowly wean you off the cigarettes
not to leave you cold turkey as i tried to do 3 years back for my 21st -_-
3 years ago i was 21

the saddest part about this decision was not made based on health reasons, it was purely based on vanity. really. im that vain

Fat Day 08 has been settled
19th Jan 2008
from 12pm onwards

lord help us all


Monday, January 07, 2008


taken from adsoftheworld

i think i have 70% of my calm left at the moment
i dislike work
i think its because ive been pretty chilled for a month and now its all back again
and i just wanna say "fuck you assholes"
but i cant cos its this kinda bullshit that brings in the paycheck
and i just blew a fair amount of last month's moolah on a new handphone and a 2.5 hour pampering session at energy yesterday, which was so satisfactory
i feel like the scribble up there

Thursday, January 03, 2008

the smiling man

'freezing' by yue minjun. he makes me smile

the brief isnt in yet, so im subjecting myself to the proust questionnaire

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
when my soul is content. at the moment, i just need to be near the ocean with the people i love

2. What is your greatest extravagence?
submission of personal freedom due to many factors

3. What is your current state of mind?
calm and centered

4. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
the inability to commit

5. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
their inability to see the bigger picture

6. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

7. What is your favourite occupation?
being the constant traveller

8. What is your most marked characteristic?
being loud and the inability to commit

9. What do you most value in your friends?
their honesty and support and patience

10. When and where you the happiest?
recently - underwater with the sharks; in general memory - with my family/friends

11. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
my hooked nose and smoke stained teeth

12. Which living person do you most despise?
despise is too strong

13. On what occassion do you lie?
when i think it's useful

14. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
ralph because that is unconditional love

15. Which talent would you most like to have?
discipline and to sing :)

16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what it be?
to be able to commit to a plan

17. If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
nothing, their dysfunctionality works pretty well with me

18. What is your most treasure possession?
photos and my phone

19. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
unexpected death/ goodbye-s / intolerable pain

20. Who are your favourite writers?
im liking khalil gibran now cos he makes the most sense to me at this period in time

21. Who is your favourite hero of fiction?
sleeping beauty cos she made him wait

22. Who are your heroes in real life?

23. What are your favourite names?
mine is pretty dope

24. What is it that you most dislike?
unjust cruelty to any being

25. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
the ability to be happy on my own

26. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
probably someone from those places we laugh at, just because god has a funny sense of humour

27. If you could choose what to come back as, what it be?
a shark or a tiger

28. Where would you like to live?
tuscany and french polynesia. hands down

29. How would you like to die?
without any effort, being loved

30. What is your greatest regret?
any regret i had before i realised that regret is the most useless feeling

31. What is your motto?
live your life as you see fit, without offending anyone

i tag shorty, small eyes and dayve to take up the challenge


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 with a bang

the last sunset for 07 where we said good bye to all that unnecessary baggage that needed to be left behind

we are back from semporna

yes, we would have liked to move there

yes, our heads are still there

and yes, there was a pivotal moment, where we could go back to KL or go to KK, we chose to come back to KL

responsibility has gotten the best of us

but we're back anyways and new years started with a bang

we had 6 great dives with fantastic visibility

we saw sharks and turtles and other funky things underwater

we had great fun drinking in the new years with the goose and moet

we dance like crazy in our slippers to nirvana

we were flying by 1am...well anini and i were flying bloody high

we ate a whole lot of claypot noodles

we turned into a cowgirl, a terrorist, lara croft and lucy lui respectively

we have fucked our sleeping time and now are up at 7am

we had great fun

i found my peace and i found my calm

ive managed to place what has been done behind me and im happy

im satisfied that i hopefully carried very little negativity into 08

i hope that you guys had a bangin new years as well

a decision was made that if we are in malaysia for any new years, we're spending it diving

at the moment, i couldnt be happier
