Monday, January 14, 2008

day 1

although i never did make the new years resolution to quit alcohol or my smokes
i am on the damn straight path to cutting it down significantly
this of course will only probably work out until some kinda big stress situation decides to hit me

however, i am trying

i've drank only 3 times since the new year started
and yes, that includes wine at dinner
the lee family has bought shares in nicorette so we're all on patches now
which could lead to bloodshed and death
but we're foolishly brave that way
day 1: updated at 1.44pm --- 1/2 cigarette
ive just had a huge lunch of nasi lemak and im not craving it as of yet
besides these patches are to slowly wean you off the cigarettes
not to leave you cold turkey as i tried to do 3 years back for my 21st -_-
3 years ago i was 21

the saddest part about this decision was not made based on health reasons, it was purely based on vanity. really. im that vain

Fat Day 08 has been settled
19th Jan 2008
from 12pm onwards

lord help us all


1 comment:

slows said...

you're on patches?!?!?!!