Friday, April 25, 2008

how much?

its common knowledge that people in advertising are like prostitutes
our services get sold to the highest bidder
we remove our moral compass and beliefs
and if they say sell cigarettes to young children
we say 'what a freaking great idea!'
and come up with an award winning campaign
to entice people to take up the cancer stick
prostitutes and whores we are
and we're damn proud to carry that label too
cos if anything, we dont do it half arsed

however, managed to see the new coke campaign
and its pretty damn amazing
so please check it out at
its a full campaign with 4 commercials
it reminds me of that beer campaign in australia with the tongue
i remember the ad, but not the brand


apparently ignorance is bliss
so im going into a selfish non caring state
humour me okay


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